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 From Totnes/Torquay area.


Take A385 signposted Exeter and Plymouth. At Shinners Bridge roundabout take 3rd exit to A384 signposted Exeter.

After 1¾ mile just after Riverford Bridge  take right turn signposted Staverton. Follow for 1 mile, pass Staverton station then entrance is on right within ½ mile.



From Exeter/Plymouth via A38


Exit at junction with A384 (Dart Bridge) follow signs for Totnes.

After 3 miles turn left signposted Staverton. Follow for 1 mile, pass Staverton station then entrance is on right within ½ mile.





From Totnes/Torquay area.


Take A385 signposted Exeter and Plymouth. At Shinners Bridge roundabout take 3rd exit to A384 signposted Exeter.


Smaller vehicles can turn right after 1 mile at Huxhams Cross.

Cross Staverton bridge and turn left into car park. 


There is a narrow bridge (6ft 6in)  at the river. If in doubt follow route below.


Larger vehicles continue on A384.  After Riverford Bridge  take right turn signposted Staverton.

Follow for 1 mile, pass Staverton station then turn right at T junction. 

Cross level crossing and turn right into  car park .


​​From Exeter/Plymouth via A38


Exit at junction with A384 (Dart Bridge) follow signs for Totnes.


Smaller vehicles  continue on the A384 for 4½ miles  and turn left at Huxhams Cross.  Cross Staverton bridge and turn left into car park.


There is a narrow bridge (6ft 6in)  at the river. If in doubt follow route below.


Larger vehicles follow A384 for 3 miles and turn left signposted Staverton. Follow for 1 mile, pass Staverton station then turn right at T junction. Cross level crossing and turn right into  car park .




From the car park you can follow the signs for a 15 minute stroll along the river bank and through a nature reserve to the show site.

The walking route is not suitable for pushchairs, wheelchairs or those with limited mobility.

A free shuttle bus will operate every few minutes from the car park to the show and return.

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